Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation

Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation is a non-profit association, established with the order of the Government of the Republic. It operates as Estonia’s standardisation organisation and is engaged in the formulation, issue and implementation of standards.

Problem and goal

In 2013, AgileWorks won the public procurement, arranged by the Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation. Within the project, the following works were performed: development of Stadis, the system for the internal processing of standards and integration with other international and European standardisation organisations, such as ISO, ETSI, CEN and CLC.


E-shop, standardization

Technologies used


Bootstrap, HTML 5, SCSS, JavaScript, Vue JS




Microsoft SQL Server

Other technologies

Microsoft Azure, Marten, Event Sourcing, Swagger/OpenAPI, Docker, Elasticsearch

Current situation and what next

The project enables the customer to perform all the desired activities and is still in use. We carry out improvements and provide maintenance service today as well.

More of our projects

Contact us

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Phone: +372 503 7594


Erika 14, 10416 Tallinn, Arsenal Centre 2nd floor

Come to entrance No. 2, located near the A building sign (next to Kalamaja Pagar). Use the phono lock for entering (No. 204, then the green button). Then come up the stairs and over the roof according to the instructing signs.